I'm Not Interested In Your Story: A Poetics of Compassion

posted Aug 20, 2005

More salt removed from the earth
it becomes difficult to float
the mist clears to reveal
there will always be another bottom
a faster processor
My number one hit is the
Flavor of the longest new low
Trial is error for
a number of
very human cases
A good hat lost to the cold wind
Our frozen stance
There's a number thinking sweet & sour
of us & something big at bat
has that number on its side
Speeding lumber truck at bat in the
Industrial delivery of proto contest
housing with which
bad breaks allow us
to be the bread runner up
the honorable
bread mention

Selfish bastards have had
their compassion shifted
in very specific ways &
There are bottles & even
pills to help them
get through it Even they
& why wouldn’t you act against their own
tighten up well being
as a response for the wrong reasons
I don’t have the time
to not do as I’m told
in the western night with
The basics we get back to the most flavor
Who can say
where my back ends & the wall begins
Who will suggest to the universe your tale of woe
the beginning of the end identical
in the sheep of my chest’s
natural conclusion this heave ho
wool pullover epic

Brendan Lorber edits Lungfull!magazine and runs the Zinc Talk/Reading Series. He's six foot four and full of muscles. Occasionally he'll a speak in your language, but mostly he'll just smile and give you a Vegemite sandwich.