A whale has a pelvis

posted Mar 1, 2016

my daughter tells me

more than a basin of gut
a tunnel for blood

or the hopper of want
that made Elvis Elvis

"it's the bone you need
to walk"

          out of an ocean.

Did they exchange
their diet of krill

and seal for mosquito
and monkey?

in the mockingbird

is there a memory
of whale song

in a green forest
filled with light?

"We don't know when"

the big creatures

to singing sea deep.

"We don't know why"

they crawled back to the ocean

practiced at pulling life
out of a holy bone.

Betsy Johnson-Miller lives in Minnesota and her work has appeared in Boulevard, Alaska Quarterly Review, Prairie Schooner, Agni (online), Gray's Sporting Journal, Cortland Review and Mid-American Review.

Johnson-Miller’s poem “the location and manner of teeth” also appears in this issue.