Debt’s Lament ; an echo from DH Lawrence’s Piano

Zhenya Yevtushenko

We rose at dusk
for years on end,
no boom, all bust.
Pressing our suits

with songs of steam
now betraying
spring to winter-
how youth’s hymns fade!

We lost our burst
in black ledgers.
My childish debt
still rains, full flood. 

Author Bio: 

One of the sons of the late poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Zhenya has recently decided to unabashedly write poetry. He is a published translator, a former substitute teacher and funeral home consultant. Currently, Zhenya is pursuing undergraduate degrees in English, History, and Political Science. Zhenya lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He owes his inspiration to his brothers, his mother, and to the love of his life, Olivia. 
