After I Have Provisionally Voted

Kristen Hanlon

I dwell in practicality, 
ugly & unpraised. 

Where do you see yourself in five years? 
Checking the time, checking the temperature.
O soft coup of consistency!

Checking the chaos meter.
Scraping my plate, scrubbing my lines.
O hard coup of invisible metrics!

Checking on my neighbors—are they alive? Am I? 

The weatherman promised 
      the current system
would shift by Tuesday—
but he lied. 

I know—they know—we know—

and we cling to it, sweeping 
settled ash off the porch.

Author Bio: 

Kristen Hanlon is the author of Proximity Talks (Noemi Press). Her poems have appeared in Colorado Review, Volt, New Orleans Review, Interim, Aspasiology, Posit, and elsewhere. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.
