If you could forgive the palmetto bugs / blanketing the slick rocks under the dock
One by one, / ants / come / crawling / out
We rose at dusk / for years on end,
It was good, but / seemed not good enough. / It was heartless / but throbbed nonetheless.
We meant / to be / equal / to what / awaited / us
We embrace him / as machines spin forward our artifacts
Yes, I guess I could measure my wealth / in the times when I haven’t been bored
I tell a timid student start writing heroic couplets. Loose / ones, but still. I figure it’s like giving her a hand to hold, a boost,
Think nothing of it. Hand your words, / not even enough to be a poem, / to that piano man.
Three palm trees edging / a Florida bay, irises I planted, now a snarl / in Tennessee