Sarki's poems have
been published in the New Orleans Review; Borderlands, A
Texas Review of Poetry; elimae; Archipelago and other
literary publications.

A first collection of poems titled ZIMBLE
ZAMBLE ZUMBLE, edited with a foreword by Gordon Lish, has recently
been published by elimae books and can be found on the web at www.elimae.com.
Sarki is also Associate Poetry Editor at 5_Trope.
in the Palace
Grapa knew I was gulping
the warp of her back
leeward to the blut
of her trigon.
And still she willed
herself to lie still,
withstand my
hysterical probing.
Aimed for the tambour.
Held it sconced, she did,
refusing all qontri.
© 2001 by M Sarki