
Aron Vandor lives in New York City and will be attending
Calarts in the fall.
Man Killing Minotaur Shawn Aron Vandor
Unfortunately, my dentures were ejected from my mouth
when I ultimately confronted the Minotaur of the Western Plains &
Fields I had, so long ago, been chosen to hunt. It has been said he
was the protector of many precious minerals and gems chief among them
a Topaz watch that was greatly coveted by my fellow Plainsmen who had
elected me for the task. I was unable to refuse as I was inebriated
when the votes were tabulated. I was outfitted with a baby elephant,
several canteens of water, one container of smoke, several pounds of
explosives, one rifle and, given me by Stuart The Elder upon my departure,
the bone necklace of Benign Intent. A ceremony was thrown in my honor
where the Man of Song selected a proper chord that he then strummed
repeatedly, in varied rhythms, on his guitar throughout the night. Women
gathered around and threw salt at my feet.
So much time has elapsed since I departed on that
voyage I can hardly remember the faces of my fellow Plainsmen and I
doubt I will ever see them again. Not that this would be a bad thing
as I never felt quite at ease with the Plainsman but since chance did
place me in their company I felt it was my duty to integrate myself
into their community. Though I was not quite successful in this task
I do believe I succeeded in fulfilling the destiny set out for me in
my original myth which I shall explain in detail. It is said that many,
many summers ago, dating back to the Age of Conviviality, a hawk swooped
down from the blue, cloud-dappled sky into a nearby Hamlet and seduced
a small, female child and penetrated her with his seed begetting two
offspring. The first born son, Ronald, was an industrious lad who labored
for much of his youth to construct wings so that he could fly and locate
his father who had long since disappeared. His early attempts ended
in vain and, due to one such failure when he fell from the sky landing
on a boulder, was left with a severe indentation of the skull and an
excessively mangled left arm that was eventually amputated. I witnessed
my older brothers crash which made a great impression on me, as
I was very wee. I believe it is a chief reason for my timid disposition
today. Ronald did not let the episode deter him, however, and redoubled
his efforts to construct wings by assembling a factory of workers who
labored day and night. This concerned our mother who was convinced Ronald
would one day destroy himself in his attempts at flight. She pleaded
with him to stop and he treated her queries with silence.
One night our mother confided in me a wish she had
that I leave home immediately under a shroud of secrecy so that I did
not witness Ronalds death, which she was sure would come, and
suffer a further degree of timidity. She quickly collected several hygienic
products and a parka and wrapped them in a rabbit skin, strapped it
to my back and sent me off at dawn while my brother was diligently working.
I was not sad to leave home as I had not yet learned the concept of
Space and believed the Hamlet would always remain several meters away.
It only took me a handful of days to lose the things
my mother packed for me and, being as drawn to laziness as Ronald was
to industriousness, I soon found a sunny piece of grass near a stream
that I sat upon, unhindered, for many months. It was there, one day
while I was napping, that a sparrow flew onto my chest and reported
that my elder brother had been decapitated when, after climbing several
hundred feet into the air, his flight mechanism malfunctioned. Despondent,
my mother consumed an inordinate amount of pebbles causing her Organs
of Digestion to jam and she expired after falling into a brief coma.
This bit of news ruptured my period of rest and tranquility
and I acknowledged the sparrow for delivering this information to me.
I set off at once for the Western Plains & Fields, a land I had
often heard about in myth, with no particular destination or goal other
than to remain in perpetual motion, distracted from thought. I walked,
without rest, for the next several weeks as the landscape changed from
the green, hilly climate of my home to a flat, brown expanse populated
with spry zebra and the occasional volcano looming in the distance.
I must confess that by this point I was in considerable pain due to
several rotting teeth which would occasionally fall out of my mouth
onto the hard, sand-packed earth below. I thought of the hygienic products
my mother packed for me and I stopped for the first time in a great
while to sob for the passing of my family. My voice cut out across the
plain like a holy siren for quite some time and it is, no doubt, the
reason why I was located by a large band of Plainsman who took me in
and, eventually, initiated me into their community.
They were a nomadic people of several hundred who
roamed the Western lands with their vast fleet of elephants, setting
up tents and banquets for the nightly festivals and gang bangs that
was their custom. It was with them that I learned to dance and consume
great quantities of alcohol. Music was an integral part of their existence
and this exposure to song taught me a great many things such as Rhythm
and Otherness. After touring with them for several weeks, I was officially
initiated into their tribe. I was wrapped in a Zebra-skin and hung from
a pole at a supreme height. The elder members of the community took
turns beating me with elongated sticks for multiple days and nights.
It was during this time that I lost the remainder of my teeth and suffered
a ruptured kidney that ails me to this day. On the final night I was
lowered and three satyrs, whose names were drawn from a hat, triple
teamed me on an altar in front of the cheering throngs. I did not enjoy
the attention as I have long been on the shy side but I was eager to
be accepted into the community.
We traveled about the Plains in this fashion for some
time and I befriended our resident Oral Hygienist on a hunting assignment
who set about making me a pair of dentures from wolves teeth he
had been collecting since childhood. I thanked him copiouslyI
had begun to grow tired of consuming liquid meals and longed to eat
solid food. After several adjustments the teeth fit into my mouth perfectly
and I soon found many of the younger female members of our tribe wanting
to spend time with me. I tried to oblige them all but soon grew tired
of each and began disguising myself with wigs I made from animal hair,
as I needed more time alone for contemplation. In hindsight I can see
that my predisposition for solitude was met with disapproval by the
tribal elders who, soon after, raised the issue of the Minotaur and
selected me to leave the tribe to put him down.
It occurred to me much later that the method used
to select me, though apparently democratic, was rigged. It seems possible
now that the Plainsmen elders were trying to get rid of me but, at the
time, I couldnt be sure. The Minotaur had long been a nuisance
of the Plainsmen, being a cohabitant of the Western Plains & Fields,
and would frequently disembowel or eat members of the tribe who wandered
off drunk or who were separated from the main due to irregular weather.
An all-tribe meeting was held and it was explained to the group that
I had been chosen to find the Minotaur and slay him for the purpose
of retrieving the Topaz watch which he had been seen wearing on several
occasions. Like I said there was a ceremony held in my honor and I was
sent off with an elephant and a host of supplies to hunt the Minotaur
and I felt that night, for the first time in my life, that I had a purpose
greater than that of relaxation. I felt I was serving a greater good.
For several fortnights I rode about the plains inspecting
the earth about me for any trace of the Minotaur and occasionally found
tracks that I determined had been made by hooves. At dawn I would scan
the horizon for his bulky form imagining the silhouette of his impressive
shoulders and long, white horns. Finding no more significant leads I
ventured in the direction of a nearby volcano where my elephant was,
unfortunately, lost to me when it stumbled into a lava pit taking with
it my rifle and supply of water. Fortunately, and I believe I owe this
to the bone necklace of Benign Intent, the rest of my supplies were
safe as I unloaded the animal before making the climb to the summit.
That night I camped in a jagged rock formation in the valley and examined
the box of smoke given me by the Plainsmen. When I released the smoke
I was shown a vision of the Minotaur approaching me at a great distance,
his form growing larger and more detailed as he approached. I could
see the elegant Topaz watch on his left wrist and thought again about
my mother who spoke frequently and excitedly about minerals and gems.
I sealed the smoke back into the box and fell into a deep sleep.
When I awoke I saw the Minotaur standing atop a nearby
plateau with his back to the newly rising sun. His form was as impressive
as I imagined though I was surprised to find such a thick mane of curly,
blonde hair and neatly trimmed mustache. I dont believe he saw
me as I was hidden in a cluster of rocks but perhaps, I feared, he could
sense me. I decided, against my timid nature, to take the initiative.
"Minotaur", I called out waving my hand,
"you have something I want." I could hear a grunt emanate
from his position as he cocked his head and peered in my direction.
In a burst his hooves beat the ground as he started to race towards
me. My chest tightened and I began to lose control of my breathing.
I touched the bone necklace of Benign Intent and picked up the pouch
of explosives as the beast neared me. I could see now his bullhead and
awesome human torso, his thick belly and whip-like tail. As I steadied
myself I saw on his left wrist the Topaz watch glitter and I lit the
match and held the flame to the explosives. The wick caught fire and
I lobbed the pouch from behind the rocks at the Minotaur who was at
this point only several meters away. He caught the bag out of the air
and continued to run towards me as I turned to flee.
The explosion tore the left side of his torso completely
off, scattering organs and limbs and his head, which only seconds prior
let out a deep bark that I will never forget, remained attached to his
body only by threads. The force of the blast threw me to the ground
causing my dentures to eject from my mouth and I was unable to recover
them. When I came to I surveyed the scene and was pleased to find the
Topaz watch largely intact strapped to the severed forearm. I cant
say that killing the Minotaur was not thrilling for it was one of the
most exhilarating events of my life and, in that moment, I wanted nothing
more than to kill again as soon as possible. Fortunately, this
urge drifted from me in the following moments as calm was restored to
the landscape and my genitals, which had grown erect, became flaccid.
I pulled up my tunic and urinated upon the corpse as the golden rays
of light burst upon the morning. I can say, in all honesty that it is
a magnificent watch, the quality of which I have never seen before or
since. I was able to eventually trade it for a small piece of
property in a Hamlet near my birthplace where I now live comfortably.
© 2002 by Shawn Aron Vandor