
Abercrombie & Fitch
Don Lee
It's a problem. She only goes out with white guys,
he only goes out with blondes. It's the familiar case of Asians believing
in their own bad press: they're geeks with small weenies, they're wallflowers
with little mystery. Yet with age, they've become curiousperhaps
they've been too harsh and narrow-minded all these yearsand they
accept the date that's been arranged for them by their parents. The
date goes all right. Nothing to write home about, but not so terrible,
not onerous enough to preclude another dinner. They get drunk and end
up on her living room floor, yanking clothes off. Fucking-A, you're
huge, she says, and she discards her coolie hat and slaps him so hard,
his slanty left eye immediately begins to welt. Fucking-A, you're sick,
he says, sinking his bucktoothed mouth into her necksallow, tastyloving
© Don Lee
Don Lee is the author of the novel Country of Origin, which will be published in July by W.W. Norton, and the story collection Yellow, which won the Sue Kaufman Prize for First Fiction from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. A third-generation Korean American, he is the editor of the literary journal Ploughshares. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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