Eye and Guy
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Summer 2004

From the Editor
Thom Didato

E.L. Doctorow
Jonathan Ames

"Like Love"
fiction by
Karen Shepard

"Jnun in the Age of Metal"
fiction by
Susan Daitch

"Valet Parking"
fiction by
Geoffrey Becker

"Fox Hunting"
fiction by
Frances Sherwood

"White Hole"
poetry by
Mark Cunningham

"frequently asked questions"
"oh juliet"
poetry by
Daphne Gottlieb

"North of Big Sur"
"Cypress Tree"
"Island or House"
poetry by
Michelle Valladares

"The Poet"
poetry by
Katey Nicosia

"Skater Cats"
"The Blue Boa"
"The Muse"
paintings by
Jeremiah Stansbury

"Studio Sink"
"Johnson Laundromat"
paintings by
Catharine Balco




His feet extend from the tire swing,
a tail forming a Q from the O.
Sitting in the hole, he fills it
to a whole, like a hand and then a fist.

Dangling there, he is the ring finger,
the tongue of the kiss,
and the circus dog encircled in fire.

From far away he is a pendant,
and the tree's bloom is the head of a girl.
He can see down her shirt
into the valley where pebbles fall,
Edelweiss sprouting off both palisades.

A little cottage he calls home,
sits on the left peak like a cherry. He touches
it with an extended leg and pointed toe.

And when his mother calls,
he will slip through the tire's yawn,
toboggan down the canyon
of two cupped hands,
until he exits at the other end
where there are lights and blood.

Katey Nicosia is a recent graduate of Texas Tech University,
and plans to pursue an MFA in creative writing.

She is the poetry editor of Word Riot and the administrator of Enter the Muse.











From our
poetry archive

“I Ask the Clerk”
Harold Bowes
Issue 7 -
Summer/Fall 2002

"Everything in Store 60% Off"
David Starkey
Issue 9 -
Winter/Spring 2003

"Discounting Lynn"
J. Allyn Rosser
Issue 18 -
Fall 2005