
Hunger's Story
Adam Clay
Claire's perspective on pizza was hesitant
and different from mine, but when hunger filled her stomach, she always perked
right up and dialed the number from memory. "Isn't it a bother
to order pizza with three toppings on one side and sixteen on the other?"
she'd ask. As it is with people who share toothbrushes, my Socratic reply
never changed: "Dear, why should we sacrifice when we can pay people
to do it for us?" Every time I said it, Claire would get turned on and
blush like a road falling off into the sea. Then, we'd both forget the pizza
and our world would become an empty museum with all the lights off, a place
where planets and airplanes looked just like horses, grazing just beyond
a fence line.
© Adam Clay
Clay directs Arkansas's Writers in the Schools program and co-edits Typo Magazine. His poems have appeared in Mississippi Review, can
we have our ball back?, Tarpaulin Sky, and other magazines.