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Q: [When picking celebrities to integrate into your reworkings of Chekhov stories, in Celebrity Chekhov,] did you find yourself matching the star to the story or the other way around?
Lou Mathews, whose novella The Irish Sextet* won our Tenth Anniversary Novella Contest, and is now live on our site, is a fourth-generation Angeleno. Married at 19, he worked his way through U.C. Santa Cruz as a gas station attendant and mechanic and continued to work as a mechanic until he was 39.
Wasn't it a milodon skull that got Bruce Chatwin so jazzed? We're not sure, and In Patagonia isn't handy, but that sounds right. Anyway, if so, then Matthew Olzmann's new poem, live now on our site, makes two data points suggesting that bones of extinct giant creatures are inspiring and then some: