...we'll be busy grilling, drinking beer, and recovering from driving ol' number 88 in the Coca-Cola 600. Back Tuesday June 8 with great new work from Melissa Hotchkiss.
Joe Woods: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ante eros, porttitor vel purus id, elementum molestie velit. Nunc mi neque, ornare non justo dapibus, sagittis hendrerit odio. Praesent mattis dui sed rhoncus sagittis. Praesent mollis nunc erat, vel dignissim orci fringilla eu.
Thom Didato: Aenean pellentesque, felis vel sodales vestibulum, justo neque cursus sem, in feugiat felis ipsum a nunc.
The other day, I finally got my hands on an iPad, and I must admit I was impressed. Sure, I understand why some have been quick to dismiss this neat gadget. And like any new technology, it has its limits. Nevertheless, there's a reason why everyone wants to check it out...
Thanks to everyone who submitted to our novella contest! We've started reading your "first 5k" excerpts, and will be in touch, to let you know if we'd like to see the rest of your novellas. Stay tuned!
New Yorkers: the amazing Midwestern poet 29 reads tonight and tomorrow night in your neck of the woods. Tonight's gig is at 7 p.m., as part of Stony Brook Manhattan's "Three Emerging Poets" night, at 401 Park Avenue South, between 27th and 28th. Tomorrow he'll be at Stony Brook Southampton, giving the Duke Lecture in Chancellors Hall, also at 7 p.m. Check him out!