
C. Allen Harrison

Gdugdu jumped though the doorway cockwet his hair slickknotted toward his ears and slapped the sandals from our heads. That door flapping against the wall.

“The monster is here.”

And slapping secobottles across the table. Bean leaned his back against the chairback against the floor and his legs went above his head. Pasko was standing.

I slid my chair and stood. Gdugdu had his arms lifted and was jumping toward the table. 

“Monster monster.”

And slapping his palms against it peanutshells clattering and jumping away from it. He jumped toward it and Pasko flicked his arm and had Gdugdu squirming his face and chest against the table. Pasko pulling Gdugdu’s arms around against his back and Gdugdu moving his hips and twitching his cock against the table-edge.

“Don’t do that.”

And Bean still tangled with the chair. His hands against the floor twisting his legs around the chairlegs kicking sandals sliding across the floor to against the wall. Then the chair turned and he rolled from it and stood holding a bottle and threw the bottle spinning and it bounced against the floor against Pasko on the leg. Pasko turned toward Bean and Gdugdu jumped onto the table the table on two legs sliding peanutshells and secobottles and he bowed his torso and flicked his head up peanutskins fluttering against his cheek and the other two tablelegs slammed against the floor.

Pasko turned his head Gdugdu Bean Gdugdu and turned it and Gdugdu jumped his arms around Pasko at the neck his legs around him at the waist. I was moving my back along the wall toward the door and waterdrops were coming through the doorway hitting my arm. I turned toward the doorway drops flashing blowing through scattering deltaic toward me along the floor around four nipples outside. At the edge of the outglow. Dripping and tight-quivering at the same height.


And popflash the sound of thin-glass and I turned and turned and the drops spreading through the doorway dark. The lightbulb over the door outside gone dark. And the sound of woodcrack and I turned. Tablelegs rolling. Bean took one and swung it. Gdugdu on the tabletop on the floor. Pasko holding him at the arms and Bean swung and dropped it and took an arm and lifted it behind Gdugdu Gdugdu wrenching his shoulders. A hand two hands topknotting him.

“Say monster.”


With the tableleg again. Bouncing it along his back. And then he stood. I don’t know how he stood. He stood with them swirling around him and they swirling and swirled against the wall as I hopped out of the spray and they swirled into it. That door going against the wall. The electric highhum-sound of socketwires wet and sound of treeleaves thrashing and water coming through the doorway.

Author Bio: 

C. Allen Harrison's writing has appeared, or is forthcoming, in publications including 3:AM MagazineUnsaid Magazine, and Hobart.
