

Kevin Yeoman

Harris is dying. He’s sure of it. His last moments will be in the stall of this movie theater men’s room.

Five Minutes of Pure Cinema

Colin Bishoff

Val robs the bank on Taco Night. He calls in sick, picks up the M5 rental while Beula’s at the store, and parks curbside at the downtown branch at 4 PM sharp

Rest Rooms

Meg Yardley

Boys’ Bathroom, 1st Floor / The bane of Mr. Anthony’s existence


Kaushik Shridharani

The next time I have you, after your trip, I will bring you here—to the heart of the Middleboro Mall

The Cure

Scott Nadelson

On August 4, 1915, a Wednesday evening in the middle of a week-long engagement in Portland, Oregon, the anarchist Emma Goldman delivered a curiously somber address

We The Believers (Pt. 2)

Sheldon J. Pacotti

Every belief begins with a story, from a simple plan to make a sandwich to faith in the afterlife

We The Believers (Pt.1)

Sheldon J. Pacotti

A story is a wish for a new world. A good story delivers that world with a tectonic shock, destroying what has come before.

Permanent Revolution

Sinclair Cabocel

Roland had sworn that he would never return to la Bretagne

Hasenpfeffer Supreme

Jay Reifel

This recipe has been in our family for generations. Generations.

A Study in Minimalism

Kharys Ateh Laue

She stands spotlighted under the streetlamp, her head lowered and a backpack over her shoulder


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