
The Heavy One

Chika Onyenezi

You must have heard about him and if you haven’t heard, then listen carefully

Saint of the Day

Rosemary Harp

At age ten, Gertrude received a marriage proposal from a duke, but stamped her foot, cursed him with a terrifying oath

Things Stay with You

Ann Gelder

I had tried all the usual methods for making friends. I rode the bus. I made non-imploring eye contact over the cubicles at work


Anu Kandikuppa

Beneath the rubble of the three oldest of my West stairs there lies a large rhombus-shaped royal blue plaque

Little White Seas

Therin Alrik

The mice were a test. They were also a two-for-one special at Gary's Reptile Shop on the corner of 4th and Vine

Lid Locking Into Place

Sasha Graybosch

Eleanor couldn’t suppress the feeling that her teeth were too big to fit inside her mouth

Angie Rubio’s Report Card by Angie Rubio’s Mother

Donna Miscolta

Language Arts – Angie tends to show off her vocabulary

A Good Hour

J.R. Angelella

While later in the day he’ll be let go from his job as a copywriter at an online men’s zine, Ransom spent his lunch break watching the destruction of a church.

The Monster’s Wife

Rosaleen Bertolino

Martha fled to the island. The anonymous threats of revenge

Death at the Parking Lot

Meiko Ko

The month is August. I have been writing invitations earlier at home


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