
Settling in for the Night

Gregory T. Janetka

In a quiet house, on a quiet street, in a quiet suburb (near the noisy city), lived Jeffy

Mothers and Daughters

Christine M. Lasek

No one was alarmed when Melina Henderson wasn’t home by dinner time

She Kong

Sofie Verraest

You discovered her in the laundromat, but even without that she was a special kid


Jessica Hwang

They tell me I’m married. A gold band encircles my left ring finger, but the short stocky man with a faltering smile and probing eyes is a stranger to me

Grown Men Don’t Cry

Mary Taugher

In the stillness of his basement workshop, surrounded by his tools and half-finished projects, Ed Foley is cranking a clamp around a cracked table leg when the wooly spider returns

Rain nor Snow

John Brandon

If you want intrigue, it’s there for you. Always has been. Take, for example…well, anything

General Consensus

Matthew Pitt

General Consensus is deemed by all colleagues at Central Command to be the serious sort

And in This Episode

Ian Woollen

The house was a wooden foursquare, now clad with beige vinyl, in a working class neighborhood.

Spellcasting for Lost Souls

Daniella Postavsky

When one is not sure of something, one goes to a witch. Witches are full of wisdom

Covid Eros

Bob Katz

Should she, or should she not?


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