
One Thousand Islands

Sasha Brown

On our first date Sophia ordered a salad with Thousand Islands salad dressing and blew my mind

Mount Kisco

Shannon Cain

When the Croton Dam burst during the Hudson Valley Inundation of 1974, the floodwaters swept away bridges and homes and highways all the way down to Manhattan

Carnival Clown

Duff Allen

The art of his being humiliated had a long American tradition

Legacy Contact

Sarah Layden

The person authorized to memorialize my social media account when I pass away has passed away

Ink from the Demons' Well

Lope López de Miguel

A sculpture, in bas-relief, of the two demons, Anaxike and Malake, decorates the entrance to the chamber where the Sovereign writes

The Account: A Two-Story Duplex

Genevieve Abravanel

I’ll tell you what happened. Jojo was out front. That’s what I heard

Moon in the Morning

Eleanor Lerman

When Anders wakes up in the morning, the moon is still in the sky

The Filing Error

Sean Maschmann

The key was stuck; it was always getting stuck

Settling in for the Night

Gregory T. Janetka

In a quiet house, on a quiet street, in a quiet suburb (near the noisy city), lived Jeffy

Mothers and Daughters

Christine M. Lasek

No one was alarmed when Melina Henderson wasn’t home by dinner time


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